Celebrate The Season Of Service With VSH!

Posted on September 13, 2011

The HandsOn Network and the Points of Light Institute commonly refer to this time of year as the Season of Service. It begins with 9/11 Service Day, a day on which communities have the opportunity to come together to repair the damage caused by the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and ends with the holiday season, a time when we are privileged to share the blessings of family, friends, food, and material bounty with our less fortunate neighbors.

VSH kicked off this season with a fantastic 9/11 Service Day project that inspired thirty-four amazing community volunteers to roll up their sleeves on a beautiful Sunday morning for a day of painting at a VSH property that provides permanent housing and support services for 60 formerly homeless individuals, eleven of whom are military veterans.
In three short hours, these terrific volunteers transformed two large public spaces for the building’s tenants, some of whom have called South Richmond home for more than a decade.

But the gift of their time meant so much more than a couple of coats of fresh paint! For these volunteers, it was also about demonstrating the power of service to impact lives and transform entire communities. Service with VSH means many things, but the ultimate goal is always to reconnect our formerly homeless clients to a caring community and remind them that they are not alone in their struggles to recover and restabilize.

At VSH, the Season of Service has gotten off to a wonderful start….but it’s only just the beginning! Weekly opportunities are available throughout the coming four months and beyond for individual and group volunteers who want to make a difference in the community and support our permanent solutions to homelessness. VSH volunteers are always needed to paint, clean, and landscape properties, serve meals, engage in social activities with clients, offer tutoring sessions, lead donation drives, provide administrative support, and much more.

It only takes a few hours to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, and you can start right now. Take a look at some of our excellent volunteers in action and then check your availability for the upcoming opportunities below: 

Make the gift of your time count this season by supporting Virginia Supportive Housing’s proven permanent solutions to homelessness! To support VSH in Richmond, call 804-836-1061 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. For more information on VSH volunteer opportunities in South Hampton Roads, call 757-394-3077 x 307 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

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